Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Re-upholstery or No Re-upholstery?

I knew some of us have liked the idea of re-upholstery, but is it really practical or worth it?
I have got quotes from different re-upholsters,  take re-upholstering a chair for example: 
the big cost normally including the labour, the fabric cost, the foam-the repair-the springs(needed or not); the other additional cost including picking up and drop off the chairs, pipings, buttons etc.

 I made a few conclusions that might help you make a clearer decision.

Conclusion 1: Look at your budget of getting a new chair. If your budget is within $200-$600, go buy one in big box store might be more cost-effective.
Cost of chair: existing chair or free one at the curb=$0
                     buying a good-quality used one= varies $10-$300-up
Cost of labour of re-upholstery = $300-$500 and could be up
Cost of fabric = $50 and up. A chair normally use 4-5 yards of fabric, price/yard range from $10 to anything like $50, $100,$200 and up. So you can do the math.
Cost of foam, springs, repairs etc = varies, but not cheap.
Cost of Piping or buttons etc = a few dollars per item
Cost of picking up and dropping off = varies, if you transport it in your vehicle, the most cost-effective way. For arranging picking up and dropping off, probably not cheaper than $50 dollars and depends on how far is the distance and time spent.

Conclusion 2: Your budget is between $600-$1200. If you want just a plain-look fabric or do not mind limited store-fabric-options, and you are not looking for high-end quality pieces. Do not use re-upholstery. Go look for one in the big box store within your price range.

Conclusion 3: Your budget is between $600-$1200. If you want a specific fabric that you find through designer fabrics, and love the shape of your existing high end or good-quality antique chair,  and care about  it's quality, then  re-upholstery might be your easiest option to get all you want. The cost of re-upholstery of existing high-end or good antique chair will be similar(if you use high cost fabric etc) or might even cheaper than buying a brand new chair that is in ideal shape and fabric that you want.

Conclusion 4: Your budget is higher than $1200 for one chair, you probably can do whatever you want. LOL.